Episode 36 - Christmas Crimes
Join us this week for our Christmas Episode! Not surprising to find that this can be a dark and dangerous time of year. We will each share with you a family annihilator of sorts. To start Meredith tells us the story of the Lawson Family murders on Christmas Day. Hannah brings us the twisted case of the Hillbilly from Hell aka Ronald Gene Simmons. Then Sarah exposes the gruesome details about Bruce Pardo and his very unfriendly Christmas gifts. In witchy bullshit corner, we talk about Yule! Yule runs from December 21 to January 1 and is a time for mid-winter feasts. Make sure that your yule log burns for 12 days!
As for astrology:
Monday 12/20 Mercury in Capricorn will be trine Uranus in Taurus, keep your ears open for some exciting news.
On Tuesday 12/21 the Sun enters Capricorn and we experience the winter solstice. Hannah is stoked!! Welcome the Sea Goat into your life! The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year and with the Sun entering Capricorn, makes it a good time to focus on our careers and our futures.
On Christmas Eve, Jupiter in Aquarius will be square Uranus in Taurus. This aspect may bring a big opportunity, but the squares adds some tension, so be wary and don’t accept anything blindly.
Sunday 12/26 Mercury in Capricorn will be sextile Neptune in Pisces. This is good day to relax and unleash your creativity. We’ll get Sarah back on the art train. It’s coming at a perfect time, the day after Christmas, when the majority of us need some time to ourselves after all of the festivities.
Food Pairing: A mid-winter feast!
(Clicking on an image will take you to the original website where these images were found)

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Episode 36 References
Wikipedia and Murderpedia
‘Behind the Song’ Blog
“The Murder of the Lawson Family”
“Secret Behind Photo in Lawson Family Christmas Day Massacre When Seven People Died”
“The Christmas Killer: Ronald Gene Simmons”
“Bruce Pardo: The Santa Claus Shooter”
All That’s Interesting
“Ronald Gene Simmons Went On a 16 Person Murder Spree - And 14 of Them Were His Own Family”
LA Times