Episode 62 - Alice Kyteler
Okay, Hannah’s brought a couple heavy episodes over the last few weeks, so to cleanse the palate, this is a lighter, more fun story to welcome in the summer solstice. Get ready for some witchy bullshit!
Hannah takes us way, way, way back to the late 1200s and early 1300s for the story of Alice Kyteler, the first recorded person to be accused of witchcraft in Ireland. We also meet a total douchebag, the Bishop of Ossory, Richard de Ledrede, who could be considered Alice’s antagonist. Come for the story about the first witch in Ireland and stay for the arsenic poisoning and how it impacts pyruvate dehydrogenase. Side tracks include: horrible worms, pipe dildos (broomsticks), 1 in 3 women want a penis, fun stuff to do in Kilkenny, and so much more.
For witchy bullshit, June 21st is Litha (also known as Midsummer or the Summer Solstice). This is a celebration of sun, light, and abundance and was traditionally celebrated with feasting and bonfires. It would be a great day to have a picnic with friends and celebrate everyone’s accomplishments.
The Sun can also be used to heal, so if you are feeling a bit more down today, write a list of things you want to release and then burn that list. If you are a person who can be awake for both, watch the sunrise and the sunset. If you are a person like the hosts, go outside for 5 minutes today and just feel the Sun on your skin.
For astrology, the Sun enters Cancer on the 21st. This will bring a quieter and slower paced energy than what we experienced with Gemini. Cancer is all about emotions, self-reflection, and feeling your feelings! It’s also about learning how to identify when something is holding you back and how to survive the vulnerable period before you find a new home.
The 21st is a busy day as we also will have a sextile and a trine. Mercury in Gemini will be sextine to Jupiter in Aries, which brings a lot of sexy vibes. Do with that what you will. Also, Venus in Taurus will be trine to Pluto in Capricorn. Be prepared to meet someone new who will become an important part of your life.
Then on the 22nd, Venus enters Gemini, which brings a more forceful energy to your relationships. Gemini rules communication so this would be a great time to communicate with your partner (what are your love languages?), with your crush, and/or with yourself (write yourself a love letter).
Food Pairing: Fish and chips! Again. We fucking love fish and chips here at TCT. Specifically though, we really want fish and chips from Kytelers Inn in Kilkenny, Ireland. We will make sure to request the tarter sauce and wash it all down with a Smithwick’s.
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The Witchery Arts