E63 Sasquatch - PAO Petty Elephant

Join us this week for an extra special episode, as we welcome Andrew from Plans Are Optional. Hannah takes us on a journey to learn about cryptids and cryptozoology. In honor of our special guest, the cryptid of focus is none other than SASQUATCH! This episode has a lot of information and quite a bit of bullshit. Our side tangents include; biology in many forms, pooping in the woods, and sasquatch erotica. Yeah, that’s a thing.

For astrology, Tuesday, June 28th, is going to be a big day. First, we will have the New Moon in Cancer. The New Moon is the start of a new lunar cycle and a time to reflect on what you want to accomplish over the next four weeks. With the New Moon in Cancer, this is a great day for inner contemplation. Cancer is also super into self-care so do something special for yourself today.

On the same day, Neptune will be going retrograde in Pisces and will remain there until December 3rd. Neptune is the planet of dreams, inspiration, and illusions. With Neptune in dreamy Pisces, expect an increase in dreams and emotions. Neptune can be a bit of a wishy-washy planet as sometimes it’s hard to distinguish dreams from reality. When Neptune goes into retrograde, it brings some clarity. This is a good time to set concrete, attainable goals and to focus less on lofty goals.

Also, happy birthday to our very first guest, Marty Party!

Food Pairing: Well, this is the 3rd episode where Hannah mentioned the Worm Ranch, her favorite Mexican restuarant in Walla Walla, WA. This week she brought the bad news that the Worm Ranch has closed, so go to your favorite Mexican restuarant and get some mexican food in memoriam. Hannah will be going to Las Brasas in Woodland, CA.


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