Episodes 88 - Ivan Milat (Capricorn)
We’re back! Only a few weeks later than planned… Join us this week as we head “Down Under” to the Belanglo National Forest in New South Wales. In true Hannah fashion, she read a book and then based her first episode for 2023 around it. This time she brings the story of Ivan Milat, convicted perpetrator of the Backpacker Murders. If Ivan did act alone, he did so in a very Capricorn-like manner, but the real question is: did Ivan act alone? There was something in the water at the Milat family home…
In astrology news, the planets are getting straightened out this week. On Wednesday, January 18, Mercury finally goes direct in Capricorn. We started this new year with Mercury in retrograde and, man, did we feel it. Time to get back on track and the go-getter energy of Capricorn will help you with that.
On Friday, January 20, the Sun enters Aquarius. Hannah was just able to sneak this Capricorn episode in before the Sun moved on. Aquarius are intelligent, innovative, and sometimes eccentric (in the funnest way). They also love change and new experiences, so expect a bit of unpredictability during Aquarius season. You’ll weather those changes if you let go of your Capricorn need for control (i.e. Hannah may not do well over the next four weeks because she refuses to let go).
On Saturday, January 21, we will have a New Moon in Aquarius. New moons are about new beginnings and Aquarius energy encourages you to dream your biggest dreams. This is not a day for negative self-talk, so recognize when you hear yourself doing it and reverse yourself, at least for today.
January 21 is also the lunar new year and in Chinese astrology, 2023 is the year of the rabbit! The rabbit is a symbol of luck, peace, and prosperity (and according to Sarah, horniness).
Lastly, on Sunday, January 22, we have another planet going direct again. This time Uranus is moving out of retrograde and going direct in Taurus. Uranus is the planet of originality and individuality and is ruled by Aquarius. The forward energy of Uranus may be tempered a smidge, since Uranus is in Taurus right now, which can be a stubborn sign. Don’t hold too tightly to the past if you want to move forward.
Food Pairing: In honor of Australia and Mr. Onions, this week’s food pairing is the Blooming Onion from Outback Steakhouse (sponsor us?).
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Episode 88 References
Wikipedia & Murderpedia
All That’s Interesting
“Inside the Ghastly Murders of Ivan Milat, Australia’s Most Violent Serial Killer”