Episodes 70 & 71- Jack Unterweger (Leo)
We’re closing out Leo Season in true Leo fashion: big, bold, and with a two-parter! Hannah read another book so buckle in, folks! Jack Unterweger is a great example of an unevolved Leo, just going through his life operating with the sheer audacity of an overconfident white man (with bad fashion taste). This story spans decades, continents, and episodes. We didn’t have to force astrology into this story - it came up naturally! Don’t worry, there will still be side tangents - what are a guinea pig’s favorite foods?
In astrology news, on Saturday, August 20, Mars is sliding into Gemini, where it will stay for the next 7 months! Usually Mars spends 1 - 2 months in each zodiac sign, but since Mars is going to spend the next 7 months in Gemini, we get a heads-up that Mars will be going into retrograde later this year.
Mars is the planet of energy, action, and desire and Gemini is all about communication and connection. We are going to learn a lot over the next 7 months. Follow your curiosity, start that creative project that you’ve been putting off, spend time with friends.
This is a very strong and intense energy that does not want to be ignored. It depends on you whether this energy will be constructive or destructive to your personal growth. The downside of Mars in Gemini is miscommunication, angry confrontations, and malicious gossip.
Food Pairing: Take your darling to a romantic anniversity lunch at Burger King (double points if this Burger King is in Flordia).
(Clicking on an image will take you to the original website where these images were found)

Episodes 70 & 71 Recommended Books
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Episodes 70 & 71 References
Wikipedia & Murderpedia
All That’s Interesting
“The Twisted Story of Austrian Serial Killer Jack Unterweger”
House Grail
“20 Safest Cities in the World (2022 Update)”
Europe Up Close