Episodes 90 - Unsolved: Colleen Rice - Buckeye Chuck
For some reason, Hannah can’t upload the audio file at the moment, so go listen to Episode 90 on your favorite podcast platform.
Meredith shares the story of Colleen Rice, who was the Mohave County Jane Doe for 52 years. Thanks to efforts by the Sheriff’s office and Othram, Inc, Colleeen was identified on Monday, January 23, 2023. Othram Inc created the website dnasolves.com to allow for crowdfunding of open cases. Meredith also shared 3 cases that are still in need of funding.
Astrology is going to hit us hard at the end of this week. Friday, February 3, brings us a two-fer. First, Ceres will go retrograde in Libra, which may bring up some winter blues and cause disharmony in our relationships. At the same time, the Sun in Aquarius will be square Uranus in Taurus, which brings an angsty, teenage spirit to the day. Keep this in mind when communicating today.
On Saturday, February 4, Venus in Pisces will be square to Mars in Gemini. This is also kind of a rough aspect, especially for love and romance. Try to avoid getting into petty arguments with your significant others today. This whole weekend is basically asking us to try to resist the urge to be petty!
It will turn around a bit on Sunday, February 5, with the Full Moon in Leo. This lunation will fill us with confidence and help us to move forward into this new year. Do something nice for yourself today!
Food Pairing: We didn’t really get to food on this episode, but Hannah is kicking herself for not mentioning that Imbolc is this week. Imbolc is one of the 8 sabbats in the Wheel of the Year, an annual cycle of seasonal festivals celebrated by many modern pagans. Imbolc celebrates the beginning of spring and can be celebrated with bread and butter (in ancient times, Imbolc was around the time when livestock began producing milk again after a dry winter, so anything dairy is appropriate). Imbolc is celebrated on February 1 or February 2 or both (choose your own adventure) and Hannah will be celebrating with Irish soda brea.
Of course Sarah managed to make a beautiful drawing in less time than Meredith and Hannah had.

Episode 90 References
“Cold Case No More: Woman Whose Body Was Found In a Canvas Sack in 1971 is Identified”
AZ Central
“Homicide Victim From 1971 Identified in Mohave County”
Mohave Daily News